Sunday, June 23, 2013

Are you Crunchy?

The Mommy Dialogues - We hear this term so much --- crunchy, granola, she's just one of those crunchy granola kind of mom's or grand mom's as is my case.  I came across this blog post that really made me think.  Since I consider myself to be one of THOSE crunchy ladies, it really made me ask myself if I judge people based on how they look or what they are doing or well, you fill in the blank.  As my sister friend and I were talking this morning I mentioned something about the season's of my live.  I tend to look at my life that way - my season of homeschooling, my season of cash crop farming, my season of finding myself in God.  I miss my season of sewing all of our clothes and canning our produce.  Now, I am in my doula servant season. I think all my seasons before this were in preparation for this time in my life.  They have taught me to not be judgmental and to be accepting of all people regardless of their philosophy, life style, beliefs.
But how does this relate to the blog in "mommy dialogues".  Because all of my seasons have brought me to a point of acceptance of all people regardless of their view points.   If I desire people to birth naturally or baby wear or breastfeed, I need to set an example and to encourage them in a loving way and certainly not badger them or make them feel guilty because of choices or circumstances that were made. I know that God has a plan and purpose for my life and I want to believe that I am doing what I am doing, and learned what I have learned, for such a time as this.

The Utica Doula and TyBeBo at Moss Lake 2009.

As Xza says in closing

Us crunchy moms can sit here with our tough exteriors and judge the bystander, but we need to quit it and embrace the mother who isn’t like us, but is trying out these practices for the first time.
Remember, if we want to see more families breastfeed, wear their children and cloth diaper; we must support all mothers in their parenting journey.
- See more at:

Thursday, June 20, 2013

In the beginning

I have been supporting women during birth since 1980.  It was the birth of my grandson that showed me how important the act of giving birth and becoming a parent was.  There is nothing that can compare to it and it is my desire to help parents understand this miraculous process.

TyBeBo November 2008  3 hours old.
I am continually learning more about these marvelous human beings 
and how perfectly they are made. 
I hope to share those things with you here.