I work for Oneida County Department of Health. I LOVE my job and the people I work with. One of things we are big on is education and public awareness. This year we are working on increasing the awareness of breastfeeding and its benefits. Being a doula I needed to tell them that successful breastfeeding starts with the birth. When I can across this blog entry I was like - YES, that's it.
It's the birth silly. You are probably saying - what? But it is true.
Mothers in our culture haven’t given birth since the early part of the 20thcentury. And no mammal who has birth taken from her goes on to nurse easily, or even to mother easily. It’s not the breastfeeding that’s the problem. It’s the birth!
did that peak your interest - then go to the above link and find out more of why, with out a support and successful birth breastfeeding becomes more difficult.